Thank God for God’s Goodness
“All shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:17

Express Your Gratitude to God through Pledging
Making a pledged monetary offering to St. Mary’s Church is essentially a spiritual practice for Christians, just like saying your daily prayers, or being a part of a Bible-study group, or practicing works of mercy for those in need, or coming to church on Sunday morning. So, it’s different from the other good and important charitable giving we do.
As a spiritual practice, pledging is a tangible means for us to say thank you to God — for our lives, for God’s goodness, for the miracle of love, and for all the countless things that prompt your own abiding sense of gratitude.
Making a pledged offering is one of the means through we which we may trust God with more and more of who we are and grow more deeply into the mind and heart of Christ.
Download the 2025 Stewardship Brochure
Ways to Pledge for 2025
Making a monetary pledge to St. Mary’s is a spiritual practice: it is a tangible way that each of us has to say ‘thank you’ to God for God’s goodness and love. So, say your prayers and determine what portion of your monetary means you want to offer.
There are a number of ways to pledge:
To make a payment on a pledge or an additional gift electronically via credit card or checking account, complete this online form.
Gifts of Stock
To make a gift of stock, please download this form and send a copy to your broker and the church office.
For stock gifts, please use the following information:
Davenport & Co. LLC, DTC #0443, Account #DA4004556, Account Name: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.
Please call our Executive Director of Church Operations at (804) 784-5678 or reach out via email.
Pledging FAQs
A pledge is a commitment by you to give a stated amount to St. Mary’s for the following year – usually in monthly payments (or weekly or quarterly, if that works better for you).
A pledge is your commitment to support of your church. While income is not always predictable, a pledge is an indication that there is a minimum amount you would like to commit. If you decide to make more of a contribution because of higher income, that is welcomed.
Nothing. In fact, St. Mary’s makes an annual pledge, quite a substantial percentage of our budget, to the Diocese of Virginia every year.
Quite simply, St. Mary’s can rely on your pledge as predictable income – whether you happen to be at church that Sunday or not. This enables us to accurately budget for the coming year’s expenses in all that we are called to do.
Proportional giving involves setting aside a tithe (10%) or other portion of your income for the work of St. Mary’s as one of your highest priorities. Amounts below show annual income and monthly income and different percentages you can pledge.
You can complete the pledge card that was mailed to you and mail it to St. Mary’s, drop it in the offertory plate, pledge online, or contact the church office.
Have more questions? Reach out via our contact page!
Year-End Giving Notice
The end of the year is here, and with that comes an annual list of reminders.
First, thanks to all you who have paid or continue to faithfully pay your pledges. Please help us stay on budget by paying your pledge before the year ends.
- If you are paying your pledge via a stock gift, please allow plenty of time for that transaction. The stock transfer must be made no later than Wednesday, December 27, to allow a tax deduction for 2023. The office is closed on December 26, but Elizabeth will check her messages. You are encouraged to make your stock gift early so that we can produce the year-end statements on time. Please call her at (804) 784-5678, or you may e-mail her at
- If you choose to mail your donation, it must be postmarked by Saturday, December 30. The office is closed on December 26 and January 1, so all final hand-delivered gifts should be made between Wednesday, December 27, and Friday, December 29. Office hours on those days are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Be sure to indicate your gift designation on the memo line of your check, i.e., 2023 pledge, 2024 pledge, discretionary fund, etc. If no designation is made your gift is automatically applied to your current-year pledge, or if there is no pledge, to unpledged gifts for 2023. Please help Elizabeth avoid errors by noting how you want your funds to be applied, and if you know your giving number, please write it on the memo line.
- If you have not made your pledge for 2024 yet, St. Mary’s encourages you to do so before year end. We need everyone to participate in order to make our budget for next year. St. Mary’s is aging, and the cost of keeping your church running is always a challenge. Please prayerfully consider making an appropriate pledge for your family. If you do not have a pledge card handy you may make your pledge on our website and click on “Online Pledge Card.” Or you can click “e-Giving: Pledge by credit card” to sign up for electronic giving via your credit card or checking account.
As always, your graciousness and generosity in giving is deeply appreciated, and many of you have gone above and beyond this year. It is a privilege to have you as a part of the St. Mary’s family. Thank you.