Join us for a traditional worship service in our older, historic sanctuary. This service is also livestreamed on our Facebook […]
Children aged 4 to 5th grade spend time together learning from faithful adults, When the weather is temperate (and dry), […]
Kick off the new program year with food from the Fellowship Committee and dessert from Kona Ice!
All youth, 6-12 grade, are invited to gather for dinner, games, and fellowship. Guests are welcome.
Open to men of all ages, this gathering is an opportunity to deepen your faith. Please contact us to learn […]
This weekly Bible study, with an option to join via Zoom, focuses on the lectionary readings assigned for the coming […]
Join us for this service that uses an abbreviated liturgy and includes a short homily.
Interested parishioners are welcome to join this committee that manages our relationships with our outreach partners.
Join us for the ancient spiritual practice of directing the intentions of one’s heart to God in silence.
St. Mary's clergy take the rotating turn to lead worship at the retirement community.
This group of parishioners is leading the process to find the next rector for St. Mary's.
Weather permitting, we will gather and do some general cleanup around the church yard. Please join us if you can and […]