Join us for a traditional worship service in our older, historic sanctuary. This service is also livestreamed on our Facebook […]
Children aged 4 to 5th grade spend time together learning from faithful adults, When the weather is temperate (and dry), […]
This integral part of Sunday mornings at St. Mary’s is led by clergy, staff, and other speakers throughout the program […]
This monthly formation hour focuses on the needs and perspectives of parents. Join us in Little St. Mary's!
This integral part of Sunday mornings at St. Mary’s is led by clergy, staff, and other speakers throughout the program […]
Join us for a worship service in our larger sanctuary. Children are welcome!
Registered students join the journey to grow in faith, learn about the Episcopal tradition, and develop meaningful connections with peers and […]
Sacred Ground, an adult formation offering, is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, […]
Open to men of all ages, this gathering is an opportunity to deepen your faith. Please contact us to learn […]