
Let Us Break Bread Together

The Fellowship Team provides one of the best and most important ministries of all: food! This important ministry feeds the parish by providing monthly breakfasts and suppers from October to May, as well as assisting with other special events.

Something for Everyone

There are varied opportunities for all skill levels:

  • Chop vegetables and put together salads.
  • Help serve and clean up.
  • Work alongside cooks to help prepare a meal.
  • Schedule volunteers.
  • Set up the serving area.
  • Create simple flower arrangements for the tables.
  • Grab a partner and plan a meal.

Volunteer With Us

If you have any interest in joining the Fellowship Committee or helping with a meal or two, please contact us.

Contact Us

Parish Breakfast & Suppers

All members are invited to attend parish breakfasts and suppers throughout the program year. They are a wonderful opportunity to meet new faces or catch up with old friends.

Parish breakfasts occur on the second Sunday of each month beginning in October from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Parish suppers are held on the third Wednesday of each month beginning in October from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Lenten suppers are on four Wednesdays in Lent from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and include a program by a guest speaker, such as Dr. Melissa Jackson.